Thursday, February 28, 2013

So I joined Twitter

I made a big leap today and joined Twitter.  Now I need to figure out if there is anyone who I know already on Twitter.  Is this going to be one of those things were the "tweets" are so numerous and pointless that it makes me crazy to check it?  Hopefully not, guess I can play with a filtering option...

There are a surprising number of horse people on twitter, so maybe this won't be a complete waste of time.  Come join me in tweeting!

This is what happens in winter time.  I devote my time to online projects that I would never have thought of if the weather were nice.  However it is not nice out, so here I sit inside.  We got a good 8 inches of snow here in SE WI with that last snow storm, so I am hopeful that I will get to ride my horses this weekend though...

Have a great Thursday everyone!

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