Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Stretching, for the Rider Intro

Everyone knows how important stretching is for our horses, and why flexibility is essential to achieve balance and efficiency of movement.  I give every client whose horse I work on stretches to do for homework, and these are reviewed and are added to at each visit.  But what about the rider??

Everyone who has ridden a horse for any considerable length of time understands just how athletic of an endeavor it truly is to ride well.  Why then do so few of us have stretching routines for ourselves?  I can guarantee you that in most other sports a solid warm up and cool down includes some stretching.  Why don't riders stretch then you may be wondering??Stretching daily is the very best way to improve your flexibility overall, throughout your body. This increased flexibility makes you much less prone to injury, and can also improve your riding technique.  Many riders lean forward while riding, which will close your hip joint and stress your shoulders.  It should be no surprise then that I treat shoulder, upper back and hip pain in almost all of my trail riders.  Much of this stiffness and pain can be considerably decreased by a proper warm up and stretching routine.

You should never stretch without warming up your muscles.  Usually just walking out to catch your horse will do it.  If you have an especially easy to catch horse, giving him a thorough grooming and/or hand walking around for five or ten minutes will warm you up a sufficient amount.  Also never stretch an injured area, and be careful to avoid overstretching.  Stretching should never cause pain anywhere.  If you notice persistent pain after stretching, please discontinue and consult with your doctor.  Hold all stretches for five to six seconds to begin with, but with proper technique you can hold stretches for several minutes once flexibility is increased. 

We will get into actual stretching technique tomorrow. 


Thursday, July 11, 2013


Today I am thinking about how horses move naturally.  A loose horse has a freedom to it's gait that is beautiful, and to watch him flow between speeds can be breathtaking.  I'm not sure about anyone else, but I would love to feel more of this from my horse under saddle!

Clients who receive regular Chiropractic and bodywork care many times will notice an improvement in the fluidity of gaits of a horse after a treatment.  This is due to the lessening of restrictions within the muscles, which makes it easier for the horse to do his or her job.  This directly leads to a longer career by decreasing the normal wear and tear on joints from competition and training.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Now that I have been practicing for "a few" years, I'm starting to really see the benefits of consistent chiropractic and bodywork care.  This is true for both the horse and the rider.  Chiropractic adjustments and bodywork usually improves a horse’s disposition.  These are the horses who always seem to be cranky, or are easily upset.  These are often the horses who are not pleased with me while I work on them, but who whinny and nicker when they see me for the next visit.  A horse with chronic pain will quite frankly not want to work.  This is a rare day for my endurance horses, and is definitely a sign that something is up with them!  

This is also true for riders, I often hear complaints from trail riders with constant pain.  They think that I'm "nuts" for riding 50 miles in a day.  While I can't testify to my mental soundness, as I do think that the pain from riding all day isn't even close to the fun benefit, I know that when I am well adjusted I come through a ride much easier.  Granted, it does help that my husband is a great chiropractor who can (and does) adjust me mid-ride :)  

The key here appears to be consistency.  Horses don't seem to need nearly as much care as people do, but of course they live much more naturally than most of us do.  I've been playing with my horses own treatment schedule but this appears to be a case of the shoemaker's kids not having any shoes....