I had a little incident last night. Alice, my three year old daughter, woke me up a little after midnight. She had to go downstairs, to the bathroom. I was carrying her down our very steep, wooden steps, when I slipped. Down the stairs I bounced, holding Ali. I landed a little bit on her leg, and it scared her a lot, but she's mostly unharmed. However I am bruised all over, and very sore! Let's just say that it is difficult to sit on a hard chair right now...
So this brings me to my topic today, fighting inflammation after an injury. I have been icing steady all morning. Ice applied for ten to fifteen minutes every hour can help to decrease swelling. I also had my husband put some kinesiology tape on me in a fan formation. This will help to fight inflammation by increasing oxygenation to the muscles and tissue in the area.
Avoiding over the counter NSAID's or pain relivers (aka aspirin) will also help to decrease healing time significantly. There has been some very interesting research published recently that shows some new information. Not taking NSAIDS for pain will help to increase healing speed by as much as six weeks, after a major injury.
So I will spend the day sitting on an ice pack and drinking a lot of water so I can heal as fast as possible. I am convinced that spring will come back, eventually, so I need to be ready for it!
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